Monday, April 18, 2011

Finally Posting Again...

Wow, it's been a long time since I have posted. October of 2010 to be exact! Way too long, but I'm really not a great blogger. But I'm learning.
The truth is we have been super busy, there was Chanukah in December, and we sold our home, but we are still living in it, and to add to it all we are in the midst of making aliyah to Israel. For those who aren't familiar with the term 'aliyah' it refers to one who is going to Israel to live. That is what we have been working on for about a year now.
We are almost to the finish line, we are actually going to Israel in late May, for our 'Pilot Trip'.  Now, you ask, what is a 'pilot trip'? Well, it is the trip you take where you go to Israel and check out where you might end up living, working, going to the doctor, dentist, school, etc. And you see if you are a good fit for Israel and Israel is a good fit for you.  If everything works out G-d willing, we will be able to go there to live by the years end .
Needless to say it isn't easy to fill out all of the paper work required by the Israeli Government.  There is a group called Nefesh b' Nefesh that helps you to organize all of the paperwork and helps with planning your pilot trip and your final move to Israel.  So along with everyday life and having ghosts popping in and out of my home it's been a lot of work.
Along the way, while we were selling our home, we had a home inspector do an inspection on our home, and he took a lot of photos of the house.  All but one of the photos he took were very normal, but there is one that he took of my youngest daughters bedroom that really caught our attention. I have posted it here on the blog. It is full of orbs. I talked to my sister who is a sensitive and she has confirmed to me that these orbs are spirits.  She also confirmed that there are indeed still spirits hanging around our home.  She told me that as we are getting ready to pack our bags, they are also getting ready to pack their spiritual bags and move on too. Whether they will follow us, I do not know.
So I leave it to any of you out there  who might come across my blog, and look at the photo, please let me know what you think of it.  This photo is one of about 25 photos taken in my house, and it is the ONLY ONE , that came out with all of these orbs on it. Also I guarantee that the photo has not been touched up or photo shopped.  
Tomorrow night we start our 8 days celebration of Passover or in Hebrew Pesach!  So for any of you out there who celebrate Pesach . . .  I wish you a Kasher v'Sameach Pesach! (Translated: I wish you a very kosher and joyous Passover!)